Danbury Real Estate Blog

Commute and Save Money

December 15th, 2010 5:25 PM by Jonathan Hall

 Commute and Save Money in Danbury, CTTimber Oaks Condos

By living in Danbury,CT and commuting to way your work in either New York City, Stamford, White Plains or Norwalk, you can afford a different type to home than you would there. Homes & Condos are typically considerably more spread out, inventory is typically newer and more often than not, larger.Most of town has been developed since World War II.
Homes prices are very favorable. You can typically find a well kept 3 bedroom home in an established neighborhood for under $350,000! For buyers seeking a maintenance free townhome lifestyle, 2 bedroom 1.5 bath townhomes with about 1100 square feet 1 or 2 car garage start around $200,000 with many newly built townhomes with about 1700 square feet for around $325,000. Property taxes for most homes around $350,000 will cost about $4,000 a year, which includes funding for the local schools. There is no county tax. Similar properties closer in cost up to 3 times higher, if that time of home & community even exists. On top of the higher prices, property taxes can cost up to twice as much, in addition to taxes to go to the school district.  

Check back often since there will be additional information to make help you make the right move & save you both time as well as money.

Posted in:General
Posted by Jonathan Hall on December 15th, 2010 5:25 PM


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